Saturday 6 October 2012

We're on. I hope!

If all goes well we could be making our way across the Channel at 7am tomorrow morning.  There's a chance the sea might be still too rough following the recent storm.  If so we'll be hanging around to see if it will calm down during the day so we can make our crossing.  Weather forecast for tomorrow is excellent.  If we can't go tomorrow we'll hang on in Dover another night to see if we can row on Monday.  The sea should be o.k. on Monday but we'll be rowing into a head wind, and this means we can expect to get wet in the boat as some waves will make it over the bow.

In terms of funding raising we have raised a total of £6052.27.  This is from the crew justgiving page, which has a link to the right, plus a separate page set up by Gary and Jason, and all gift aid donations.  Thank you to all you awesome people who have been incredibly generous and shown your support.

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