Sunday, 15 July 2012

Wet Runs and Soggy Fitness Trails

The crew have been working hard this weekend.  Three of the eight (Steve, Jonathan and Richard) managed to get up early enough Saturday morning to attempt the 5k parkrun at Milton Country Park.  Following a night of heavy rain the parkrun route was mostly one big puddle.  Only Richard managed to complete the whole 5k, but the other two should still be applauded for given it a go. 

The rest of us had reasonably valid excuses for not being there.  Myself and Gary were out with Jason to celebrate his 40th birthday.  Andy was also out late Friday evening, although I don't know if there was any particular reason for his revelry other than it being what you do when you're still in your 20s.  An age that is a distant memory for most of us in the crew.  Dennis couldn't join us as he was still on holiday in Spain.

Andy, Gary and me managed to meet up with the other three at 10am for a one hour kettlebell session.  This will be the first and last time that I will ever do serious training with a hangover.  Jason had promised to join us whilst under the influence of alcohol, but we all forgave him for not attending given that it was his birthday.

We had all agreed to meet at Girton Recreation Ground this morning to tackle the Trim Trail.  This is a reasonably substantial assault course with a good variety of obstacles and exercise stations to tackle.  Five crew members made it, including myself.  I also bolted on a 10 mile run from my home to Girton and arrived just before everyone else got there.  I then led the crew around the trail and told them what to do at each station.  I then set t everyone off and we kept at it for the next hour.  In this time everyone completed the trail between 4 to 6 times each, and all were pretty exhausted by the end.
Walking press-ups on the balance beam
Rope climb - no legs
The field was a little soggy in places
We'll give that one a miss
6 to 10 dips.
20 lifts of the beam.

Richard on the cargo net climb

10 jumps

Jonathan contemplates the height of the leapfrog station..
..and then has a go.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

A couple of weeks respite for the crew

The crew have had an unintended easy couple of weeks recently.  I was away running in the Isle of Wight Ultra Marathon over the 30 June/1 July weekend, so was unable to take charge of any weekend training sessions.  Some crew members did their own thing, whilst others had a weekend off.  This past weekend has also been an easy weekend for the crew.  Some have been unavailable for training, so I decided not to do a training session for the few who were around today.  In hindsight I think it would have been a good idea for us to have met up just to maintain the impetus in our training.  It will be back to normal next week with a Saturday morning parkrun and kettlebell session for all those who can make it, which should be everyone except Dennis, who is now on holiday in Spain.